Letter from the Editor

Dear Readers,

It is once again the start of a new school year: the year we make the LGB Express great again. Our main mission is to increase our relevance and readership within LGB. With the collaboration of great editors, talented writers and a dedicated team we will hopefully reach our goal.

In case you were wondering, I joined the LGB Express in ninth grade as a writer. In tenth grade I was promoted to editor of the Humans of LGB section, a section that we no longer have this year. Finally, in eleventh grade (this year) I was appointed as Editor-in-chief by the previous Editor-in-chief, Jasmine Oberai, who is now in thirteenth grade and very busy with her IB.

This year we will focus on achieving the second part of our motto “By the students, for the students”. We will be specifically targeting our fellow pupils and providing content that they want to read. That’s why we added the Inside LGB section with buzzfeed-like articles to directly appeal to students. We are open to change and constantly trying to come up with new ideas and ways of reaching more people. We encourage you, readers, to comment on articles and give us your feedback, ideas and even constructive criticism. We believe this online newspaper can be a way for the student body to express itself, hence the name the LGB Express! We want students to be able to share their opinions on current events, politics and even on the school through our platform.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Kretzmeier, our wonderful supervisor, for helping me with all the logistic aspects of “the job” and James Mullen who helped us update our website quickly and efficiently.

I truly look forward to seeing our newspaper evolve and grow to its full potential this year.

Shiraz Rimer

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