To Vote or Not to Vote GOAT

By Laura A. Salem, Year 11

To start things off on a good note, I’ll go ahead and congratulate Remote STUCO on their well deserved win!

Now onto what this article is really about… GOAT.

“Make Ecolint Great Again” is what GOAT STUCO aimed to do if they had won the elections. Sound familiar? That’s because it is. “Make America Great Again”, is the United State’s president’s motto.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think GOAT had a substantial chance of winning. I cannot tell you how many times I have had 12-14 year olds (mostly boys) run up to my friends and I in the cafeteria, soccer pitch, even the hallways and chant “Vote goat” and “Make Ecolint Great Again”. GOAT was appealing to what seemed to be the majority although unfortunately for them, ended up being the minority. Just this week, I asked two boys in year 10 what they thought of the elections and they harshly replied: “It sucks, we wanted GOAT to win.”

Needless to say I was in absolute shock when I found out GOAT got last place!!!!!!!!!!

This student council election involved a lot of “trash talking” and “roasting”, if you will, on social media, mostly Instagram. Although I must admit, their memes were comical.

This election was certainly the most controversial one yet. All teams running had very different ideas on how to improve our school although the two most contrasting ones would have to be Union and GOAT. Union made it clear that they were not going to promise to make any big changes, only improvements. This is a very realistic and honest statement although it may have cost them the win. On the other hand, GOAT criticized “the system” and used the assembly as a show to get their message across.

GOAT’s strategy was to appeal to the younger grades because as you get older, you definitely think twice before choosing who you would like to represent the student body. Obviously, GOAT would have been the entertaining choice. School assemblies would surely have been funnier although is that what LGB really needs? Amusing assemblies rather than a solid team that will get the work done?

All in all, every team had pros and cons to them and no choice was perfect despite the fact that Remote won by approximately 150 points.

“Congratulations – we hope you can lead LGB to greater heights” -GOAT StuCo

“We are all super excited to represent you this year. We want to congratulate Fuego, Union and GOAT. You put up a really good fight. And remember, you’re in control!” -Emmanuelle Pirard, Year 12

Best of luck to Caitlin, Manu, Marcella, Roman, Lapo & Lorenzo!


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