Midterm Exams

By Deniz Altas Year 12

With half term approaching, students at LGB have been very busy for the past few weeks. Particularly concerning the Year 11 and Year 12 math exams that took place last week. Although exams can be daunting, it is important to be reminded of their benefits.

Firstly, they ensure that students are up to date with the topics covered in the first three months of school and that students are capable of applying their knowledge through problem solving. Another positive perspective is that they help students adapt to exam taking strategies which they will have to have mastered to successfully complete the IB. Some skills consist of thinking clearly under pressure, rapid problem solving, and staying focused for long periods of time. Although all of this is crucial for the day of the exam, there are a number of measures that should be explored in order to be prepared for the big day. Exam success comes from a balance of these skills along with repeated practice and discipline. 

A large portion of being ready for an exam comes from mentality. It is highly recommended for students to keep a positive attitude even though the weight of examinations can feel almost crushing. One way this can be implemented is through discipline, if students are well organized and split their portions of work into smaller schedules, they will be able to allocate more time to the things they love, such as sport. Numerous studies have brought concrete evidence that enforces the claim that good academic performance is linked to physical exercise. Additionally, sports involve multiple skills that are similar to those needed during exams, such as thinking clearly under pressure. Overall, sports, clubs or any form of exercise is a highly recommended way to take a breather from all the studying, whilst still keeping the mind active. For those who are not convinced by the encouragement of sports, it should also be mentioned that creative tasks are designed to calm and mitigate the mind from stress, a main cause of exam failure. Therefore, it is no surprise that LGB offers a selection of programs in the arts as well, such as art classes or music lessons. Therefore, activities as mentioned should not be avoided during exam seasons as it is a crucial factor in succeeding. 

All students should be proud of what they have accomplished so far in the year. Now is the perfect time for students to reflect on what they can improve on, with the help of their results, and learn what they must change or keep in their study methods.

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