What really happened at the 2016 Intercampus Talent Show

By Liliane Veith, Year 12

It is clear that LGB is the better campus out of all three so it would’ve made perfect sense that we won the intercampus talent show last Friday. Although due to the voting of the audience, who I think consisted of mostly La Chat people therefore explaining the results, LGB didn’t win first but third which nonetheless we should be ecstatic for and we all should applaud Elina and Francesco for their fantastic performance and win.

The night was filled with fascinating acts of singing, dancing, gymnastic routines and even some magic. The first talented representative of LGB was none other than Marie. She not only battled the other campuses, but she also battled a challenging song in French. She sang the song with passion and skill while her voice perfectly matched the charisma of the song and her personality. Everyone in the audience was absolutely amazed with how charismatic she was and how beautiful her voice was. She was the perfect start to the night and made all the other contestants, especially those of the other schools, quiver in fear.

LGB’s next proud act was Elina and Francesco who deserve a round of applause for their amazing duo which won them third place. Unlike all the previous performances, their live performance with Francesco on guitar and Elina singing, brought back many memories and emotions as they sang and jammed out to Too Close by Alex Clare. Francesco’s version of the song on the guitar was very impressing and took a unique slower twist on the song. It was perfectly accompanied by Elina’s angelic voice. Her soulful performance caught everyone’s attention which makes it quite obvious why they won. Their amazing duet even made the rude and obnoxious 9th graders sitting behind me to finally shut up. If they had to the power to do that, there is no reason why they shouldn’t have come in first place but again I like to believe it was because the audience consisted of mostly La Chat students.

Camila and Caterina was LGB’s final performance and yet again they managed to amaze the audience. Although they were just as intriguing singing We don’t have to take our clothes off, which they thankfully kept on along with everyone in the audience, might have been even more amazing considering they are only in 9th grade.  Although they both have very different voices and styles of singing, they managed to find a common ground which sounded perfect together. There was the sassiness of Camila and the sweet of Caterina but together it was absolutely melodious. Although they may not have placed, we can all hope that that was not the end of the incredible duo and that they will bless us with many more performances in the future throughout the rest of high school.

All in all, LGB was incredibly represented as they showed talent, personality and class throughout the entire performance. Although we may not have come first, we all know that we truly are the best campus no matter who won this year’s intercampus talent show.

Watch the videos here!

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