What time is it? Summert- … Oh wait… Exams!!!

By Paula Bordas, Year 12

Summer is around the corner, but this means that exams are too. Year 13s are already in the process of taking their final IB examinations, carrying with them 2 years of memorized topics and a lot of anxiousness. So far they all seem to still be alive and ready on their feet for their last subjects. Let’s hope for the best!

Year 12 exams are also coming soon. They start on the 1st of June and most people don’t seem to be getting in the exam gear yet. It seems like one 3 weeks is quite a lot, but 6 subjects overload this time. This means that we should all start turning our exam mode ON, and stop procrastinating, hanging out after school and going out at night.

Obviously, sport activities should not be ceased, since 1 or 2 hours a day of exercise are worth cutting study time for. Do not forget to stay healthy while you extend your knowledge! Enough hours of sleep are also vital. However, Year 12s are also starting to go crazy with all the work; the IB is starting to mess with our minds.

With the pressure of getting our extended essays started and the fact we still haven’t finished our subject syllabus yet, and hence our tests; it doesn’t give us much exam motivation. Most of us tend to realize exams are arriving around 1 week before (or is that just me?), and this is not how it should be.

The more we get organized now, the less pain we will go through during exams, and obviously next year too. My point here is not to become nerds and study 6 hours after school every day. However, making a study table to get organized is a really good idea. It’s always hard to decide what you start studying with. It is also hard to keep track of every subject and get enough hours of study.

TIP: What I do is I make a schedule and work on around 6 topics on 1 subject for 2 days and then change subjects, this way I don’t become « biologized » or « historized »…It is good to change a little to avoid boredom which then leads to procrastination. Activate your exam gear and get organized y’all, we got this! Soon to be partying in Ibiza! Or for us 12th graders working on our extended essays…




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