Pros and Cons of an Ecolint education

By Shiraz Rimer, Year 9

Being educated at the International School of Geneva definitely has its benefits. After a series of interviews with alumni, I was able to put together a list of pros and cons.


Obviously, Ecolint is a very international school (hence the name). We are lucky to have an extremely diverse body of students coming from all around the globe. I think that it’s safe to say that no one has two friends from the same place. These cross-continental friendships give, us students, cultural-knowledge and enable us to have great social skills.

Another immensely positive element is the racist-free environment of the school. I am proud to say that none of the 4’500 students who attend any of the Ecolint campuses are racist. The students learn to appreciate the beauty of every single culture and religion of the world and it is no surprise that after a few years in a school that promotes tolerance and respect any hint of prejudice or discrimination is long gone.


Like all other institutions, Ecolint has some downsides to it. One of the most blatant points is the absence of socioeconomic diversity within the school. Post-Ecolint, the alumni realised that as diverse as Ecolint is, it is a bubble that shields its students from poverty and racial discrimination.

Another negative aspect of Ecolint is the lack of academic rigor. Obviously, the school manages to provide an excellent education for its students, but only for the ones who really wish to learn. In other words, the “bad students” aren’t pushed as much as they should be. Another area where the school does not strive is the sports.

Gym lessons aren’t very engaging or physical. As well as that, the competitive teams don’t compete in any Swiss championships or leagues and to be honest, the level isn’t always very high.

The last negative is that Ecolint students often feel like they don’t belong anywhere. Of course this can be perceived as a good thing. However, being a citizen of the world is a bit destabilizing. After spending a lot of time with friends from different countries, we start to lose our culture and like Sanjidah Hossain says in her article about the Bengali New Year: “Every once in a while, it’s nice to be reminded of the place my parents call home, the country I call my home.” I could not agree more.

Personally, I think that Ecolint is a great school, but to be honest, I’ve never been at another school, so I’ m maybe not in a good position to speak. But what I do know is that I love going to school. Yet I know that this isn’t always the case in other schools.



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