Best iPhone apps for school

By Malaika Gabra, Year 12

While all of LGB readily awaits spring break that is almost 2 weeks away (YAY!), motivation and organization easily slip away as we dream of bluer skies and not seeing our teachers on a day to day basis. Here, is a compiled list of all the best apps for organization in and out of school, so that while our minds wander, at least our phones can remember that we have a history test tomorrow.

Rescue Me (free for web): The app store’s solution to social media disctraction. This app will tell you how many hours you spend on all you social media ( admittance is the first step), and if need be, it will temporarily block procrastination promoting sites.

inClass (free): This app allows you to have your own app version of a personal assistant and create deadlines,to do lists, class notes with audio and video versions. It also has the ability to share notes amongst friends and organize study sessions ( sharing is caring!).

Study Buddy (.99c): Ever feel like you’re studying but aren’t acutally learning anything? Study Buddy gives tips and tricks for studying more efficiently and productively, with alarms and reminders for upcoming tests, and charting your studying time and your free time.

Evernote (free): The king/queen of note taking apps, Evernote allows you take notes regularly or using photos, so that if you ever lose your Chemisty notebook not all hope is lost.

Duo Lingo (free) : For all the multi-taskers this app is for you. If you’re killing time waiting for you bus when you could be studying for your Spanish test than this app is for you. This app makes quizzes and tests ( in the most fun manner possible ) that will test your current language skills, and might even entice to you to take up a new one.

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