When It Rains, It Pours…

By Simone Napolitano, Year 12

Friday the 4th of March, LGB hosted the Ecolint derby. The atmosphere was tense and somber, as the Nations female football team, clad in orange attire, marched onto the pitch.

Our LGB heroes were feeling confident: they were classified above Nations in the league and had defeated them towards the end of last year with a promising score of 3 – 0. However, Nations has recruited new players, and they were looking leaner and meaner than ever. The weather wasn’t looking promising either.

Massive, gloomy clouds were rolling towards the pitch, casting a malevolent shadow over our players. The whistle was blown and kickoff commenced.

As the game started, both teams where performing at an exceptional level. It was literally and figuratively neck-to-neck, end-to-end football. Around 20 minutes into the game a drizzle commenced, which rapidly developed into a full-on downpour. This didn’t make it any easier for the girls who were pouring their hearts out on the field.

Everyone was drenched and the ball was slipping and sliding uncontrollably, yet the game carried on. Everyone was relieved when the half-time whistle was blown, and the girls were given a hard-earned rest. Nonetheless, the game had to proceed.

With a look of determination and defiance on their faces, these courageous footballers stepped back on the pitch, ready to give it their all. With ten minutes left to the game, it was still 0-0, and both teams were playing formidably. Chances were created, beautiful passing play was generated, posts were struck and saves were made. The girls were exhausted and cold, bathing in a mixture of rain water and their own sweat. The final whistle was blown.

The scoreboard was 0-0.

The girls shook hands and praised each other for such high quality, dignified performances, before scurrying off home, no doubt to relish the warmth of a hot chocolate.

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