Growing up on campus: thoughts on the new Sports Centre

By Ismail Abaza, Year 12

Interview with Nawfel Jarry-Naciri, Year 12

The new LGB gymnasium is a large and remarkable building that will benefit the entire campus. I interviewed a student by the name of Nawfel Jarry-Naciri to get his opinions on the new gymnasium and to see what he personally thinks about it. Nawfel has been a student at LGB for well over a decade now, so he has seen how the entire campus has evolved over the years including the demolition of the old gymnasium, the temporary tents, and now the shiny new building.

How do you feel about the new gymnasium?

I think that the new gymnasium is impressive, notably because of its size. When I saw it for the first time I was in awe. I feel that the new gymnasium will improve the school and make it an even better place. This gymnasium has far more equipment than the old one and has much more space, allowing us to play even more sports, and hopefully more often.

How do you feel it could be improved?

It could be improved mainly in how it looks and its decoration. The building is very dull and gray, it is missing some decoration and color to make it feel lively and overall it would be a better environment to spend time in. I also noticed that there were couches that were made of plastic, which I find to be very strange as they are not very comfortable, so another improvement that can be made is to add or replace plastic couches with couches and seats that are made of more comfortable material like in the study hall or in the library. I also wish that they had put more windows in the rooms, because I felt that the building did not have enough natural sunlight and that it feels far too artificial.

Do you think it was a worthwhile investment?

I don’t know the exact cost of the construction but I have a vague idea, which I will base my answer on. Normally, I would say that it was not a worthwhile investment because the new building is certainly better than the old one, the difference is not so significant to necessitate such a high price. However, I do know that the old building either had to be demolished or completely renovated. Which means that if we had kept the old building the cost would also be just as high. I think that if the school wanted a new gymnasium, it was the perfect moment to build it, so overall I do think it was a worthwhile investment considering that there would be a lot of expenses regardless of the decision.

Do you think this will be beneficial for your physical education? 

The new gymnasium provides a new and fresh environment for us, so yes I think that it will be very beneficial for our physical education. Furthermore there is new equipment such as in the fitness rooms, which gives us access to more sports and activities that we were not able to do in the past. The gymnasium gives us a new place to spend good quality time together, which I believe is one of the most important aspects.

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