Social media: The crash test generation?

By Lily Germain, Year 12

In the 21st century, social media has become an important part of our daily lives, changing the way we communicate, connect, and understand the world around us. This new tool has extended beyond personal boundaries to reshape not only our personal lives but also society, culture, and politics. The impact of social media on our generation is deep and complex, being the first ever to have been exposed to it for most of their lives. 

The digital revolution 

Social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter have connected us like never before. Allowing people to communicate from all around the world in a matter of seconds. These social media platforms have changed the way we build connections and maintain relationships, allowing us to share our lives and experiences without having to be together instantaneously. On the other hand, this aspect can be negative as people are losing the depth of basic human interactions.

The impact on information  

The era of technological advancement has both advantages and disadvantages. 

On one hand, we can have access to unlimited information and a variety of perspectives. 

On the other, what has become problematic is what we call “the algorithm” which is a program that controls what we see on our screens depending on what we like. Social media platforms then show you content based on your preferences, thanks to these algorithms.

This will then lead to hyper-personnalized information and video feed leading to a lack of diverse information.

What about mental health?  

Social media has a huge impact on our mental health. 

The constant comparison with other people can lead to a feeling of inadequacy and anxiety. People only show what looks good on their social media pages. Our brains look for the dopamine effects of “Oh wow! She looks so happy!! Show me more!!!”.  In the end, it’s a never-ending spiral making us so addicted to these feeds of posts that never stop.

This is leading not only our generation but also the future ones to a “digital addiction” that can cause significant challenges to our well-being. 

Overall, the impact of social media on our generation is huge and quite worrying, but what could be something positive about all of this, is that it has brought global connectivity and social activism.

It has also raised concerns about mental health issues and other topics that were not discussed before, making people more aware and open-minded. But on the other hand, it has altered the way we connect, consume information, and interact with the world. As our generation will have to live with it, it is important to mark a balance between the advantages and disadvantages of all of this new era, to adapt the best way possible to all of this.

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