Who Are We? The Jets!

Laurin Rupp, Year 12

Some of you may have seen people walking around in black or grey jumpers with a weird logo on the back saying, “Jets”, and thought “what in the world is that?” Well, the “Jets” is LGB’s official sports mascot, and this year all teams are obliged to wear that sweater when they go to tournaments, mainly because it makes them more recognizable (and ridiculous) as well as establishing more of an identity. This is part of the sports departments plan to get more people involved in competitive sports (probably by bribing people with sweaters. If you join you’ll get one too!).

The decision to have our mascot be the “Jets” was taken last year, and people part of the sports teams could vote for different names; however, not many people were aware of this (not even the coaches) and as a result, many people forgot to vote. In fact, only Mr. Magazaka voted, and he voted for the Jets, so now we’re called the Jets. So if you come watch any tournaments, in order to embarrass our players, don’t shout “GO LGB!” – just shout “We Love You, Jets!” or make plane noises.

On the note of tournaments, next week we have quite a lot of tournaments coming up, seeing as it is the start of a new school year and a new season. I hope you will come to some of the tournaments, like those that are here at LGB, not only for the food, but because it is nice to see your friends play and support them.

Upcoming tournaments


  • Basketball / juniors / Girls
    Campus LC
  • Volleyball / juniors / Mixte
    Campus LGB


  • Football à 7 minimes / Girls
    La Becassiére Versoix
  • Football à 11 moyens / Boys
    Campus International School of Lausanne Mont sur Lausanne
  • Basketball / seniors / Girls
    Campus LGB
  • Basketball / seniors / Boys
    Campus LGB


  • Basketball / seniors / Boys
    Campus LGB
  • Football à 7 / B / Mixte
    Centre sportif Chavannes-prés-Renens, Lausanne
  • Football / E / Mixte
    Campus le Rosey
  • Netball / seniors / Girls
    Campus LGB
  • Football à 11 / seniors / Boys
    Stade du Blanche à Grand Saconnex

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