Leander Rupp within the Sport+ Programme

By Anatole Tahintzi, Year 12

The sport + program is aimed at high level student athletes who want to succeed both academically and athletically. Here is some information form the schools official website: “Integrated within the framework of our students’ curricula to ensure academic success, this programme is centred on four pillars that contribute to athletic performance: the physiology of each individual athlete, the sport they practise, their coaches’ needs and the return to sport after injury.” Here is what Leander Rupp year 12 IB student as a competitive track althlete has to say:

How do you manage your time between your schoolwork and your athletics training?

I finish all my school work during the free periods throughout my week. On the weekend I do what I couldn’t finish.

What strategies do you use to stay focused on your studies while also dedicating time to your athletic pursuits?

I try to organise myself, and to finish work as soon as I can, so that I can relax during my training.

Have you found that participating in sports has helped you develop skills that are useful in your academic pursuits?

Yes, it helps me with my concentration and organisation.

Can you describe and give an overview of the sports + programme

It consists of trainings in the morning, and afternoon for those who want. We also have access to a nutritionist and a physiotherapist if there’s any problems. Something very helpful is the tutoring sessions during which we can finish any work.

Can you describe how the school’s sports + program has impacted your experience as a student-athlete?

It puts me into contact with other high level athletes, and it provides a friendly environment.

How do you communicate with your coaches and teachers to ensure that your athletic and academic schedules are in sync?

I rarely miss training to do school work, because normally I have enough time to finish it throughout the school day. If there clearly to much work for a week, I can talk with my teachers and normally get an extension.

What advice would you give to other student-athletes who are struggling to balance their studies and sports?

To find a bit of time every day, or every two days to do work, and to constantly revise so that there is less work before a big test.

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