La Vie en “Rose” at Ecolint

By Rebecca Attias , Year 12

Prior to the February break, the Student Council organised an anonymous gifting system to deliver roses on Valentine’s Day to the entire Secondary School. The STUCO worked hard to order a large number of beautiful roses and organised a Google Form to receive the purchases. Walking around the school, one could see the abundant amount of red roses in the cafeteria, around the halls, and in every building. Hugs and smiles were shared as recipients (students and teachers) received their roses from a special someone or friend!

The event manager, Aliyah Noor, was willing to answer a few questions about this event.

How was the organisation process with the rest of the STUCO group?

“Our STUCO group worked very well together as we prioritised the organisation of this event and approached it very early. We communicated with each other on the feedback we received from the Coop, where the flowers were bought and other feedback from our supervisors. Whilst doing that, we appointed different tasks to one another. For example, the deposit of money for the payment, the pickup of roses, and more. For Valentine’s Day, we split our group to deliver roses to different buildings to be as efficient as possible. We even decided to sell even more roses at the end of the morning break for any last-minute valentine’s gifts!”

What were the reactions from other students when receiving roses?

“It was great to see all the reactions from students as the roses were sent out. We saw laughter and smiles as the recipient received the roses from a specific/anonymous special someone. And these were only the reactions from those who decided to pre-order the roses! We received even more positive feedback when we started selling last-minute roses at the end of the morning break as those who didn’t remember to purchase a rose were now given the chance to. We managed to sell all 300 roses and giving them away at the end was such a beautiful sight to see as the whole campus was filled with a warm spirit, especially on a sunny day, holding the red roses!”

Were there any challenges?

“Initially, as a group, we thought the Google Form would be our largest problem. We believed it would be difficult to track the responses coming in from other students and more importantly track who they wanted to send roses to. But, this problem was quickly resolved as we transferred the data to an Excel sheet and organised ourselves from there. A slight problem faced was delivering the roses in a short amount of time and making sure that we weren’t mistaken in the number of roses to deliver and the one receiving them. In the end, the challenges faced were super limited compared to the success of the event overall.”

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