Gossip: Teenage mobile app encouraging rumours

Melanie Atwood, Year 12

A mobile phone application, which encourages anonymous gossip by, and about teenagers, is causing conflicts at LGB

The app called “Gossip” has been available on the Apple Store for only a few weeks, and already Gossip has become the 7th most downloaded social media app in France. It allows users to send anonymous messages to their friends, which appear on phone screens for ten seconds, classified as either “rumor” or “proof”. Although supposedly destined for “young adults”, the app has spread like wildfire amongst youngster’s aged 12 to 18.

Students of LGB have used the app frequently; therefore it should be taken seriously and deleted. The app encourages bullying and causes unnecessary fights. Furthermore, similar apps in the United States have lead to an increase in teengage suicide rates. Hopefully this app will be deleted before the school has to get involved.

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