Thoughts on the 2022 FIFA World Cup Final

By Ioannis Sistovaris, Year 11

The 2022 FIFA World Cup has come to an end on December 18th after France and Argentina opposed each other during the finals. For those of you who may not know what the World Cup is, it is a worldwide football tournament consisting of qualified national countries who will be opposing each other. This year, it took place in Qatar and those are the countries which managed to qualify for the tournament: 

It is a worldwide known event “A peak of 14.9M watched on BBC One and 4.4M on ITV One, while the respective averages were 9.1M and 2.7M” according to Barb data which shows the peak it had within British viewers.  

As previously stated, the finalists contesting were France and Argentina.  It is said to be “one of the greatest World Cup finals in history” and this is due to the many emotional rollercoasters football fanatics went through. 

The World Cup is known for many bets and it is the source heated debates within friends and families about “who will win” or even match scores. This is why we decided to interview LGB students in order to find out what were their views on the final and the World Cup as a whole.

What team were you supporting at the very beginning of the World Cup and why?

“I was supporting France mostly because it is the team I am the most familiar with.” Chuyin Jin Year 11

“I was supporting Switzerland because I am Swiss and it would be fun to see all the celebrations if we won.” Mathilde Thorens Year 12

“I was supporting France because I like the team and I come from there. However, I also come from the US but didn’t want to support them.” Melanie Bell Year 11

I supported England because it’s where I come from. Although, I was also rooting for Argentina or Brazil because it is Neymar and Messi’s last World Cup.” Simran Saraon Year 11

Were you and your family supporting the same team? If not, what was the atmosphere like throughout the games?

“My family and I were all rooting for France. This led to us being very supportive and overall having a lot of fun together while watching the games.” Chuyin Jin Year 11

“We were all supporting Switzerland and it gave the house a good vibe. Although, when they were disqualified we all chose different teams. For example, I was for Argentina during the finals while my father was for France which was really entertaining due to the intensity of the game” Mathilde Thorens Year 12

Who do you think was the best player this World Cup and why?

“Personally, I think Mbappé was definitely the best player. For instance, we could say the final was basically Argentina vs Mbappé.” Melanie Bell Year 11

I believe Mbappé is the best player this year because he did manage to perform a hat trick which is very rare during a World Cup.” Chuyin Jin Year 11

I think Mbappé was the best player even though I do not like him. To be fair, he single handedly held off Argentina during the final.” Simran Saraon Year 11

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