Was the 2022 World Cup the Best of All Time?

By Emre Balkis, Year 11

As we all know, in 2022, we saw the World Cup live during our school days. The World Cup only happens once every 4 years and is the most-watched sports event in the world. This year was no different, with very surprising results during the tournament. Morocco is the best-ranked African team, but no one expected them to perform as they did during the World Cup. They had beaten Portugal 1-0, a massive upset. Belgium lost 2-0 to Morocco, and they tied against Spain, something no one had predicted due to the skill and talent the Spanish team possesses. Morocco wasn’t the only country to surprise us, in the very first week of the tournament, Saudi Arabia managed to beat Argentina 2-1, probably one of the biggest upsets during the tournament. Japan also beat Germany 1-0, another surprising result.

However, we have witnessed probably one of the best finals in World Cup history, France vs Argentina, and Mbappe vs Messi. The tensions and suspense surrounding the match were incredible, as, if Messi won this, it would complete his legacy, but if Mbappe won, it would probably make him one of the best football players in the world for his young age of 24. Argentina had led the game 2-0 for most of the game, but Mbappe scored in the 80′ minute and in the 81’ minute to tie it! Messi scores a penalty but Mbappe scores one in the 118’ minute to tie it and send it to overtime. This already makes Mbappe the first-ever player to score a hat-trick in the World Cup finals. Argentina ends up winning the game in penalties and finishes probably one of the best World Cup Finals ever. Massive overthrows all along the tournament, Mbappe being the first person to score a hat-trick in the finals, and Messi winning his trophy in what might be, his last ever World Cup.

Entertainment-wise, this was one of the best World Cups ever, however, we cannot ignore the thousands of migrant workers who have been abused and killed during the construction of the stadium. People worked in horrible climatic daily conditions and got paid very little to nothing. Even besides that, people (including players) were not allowed to wear a “One Love” armband, and the Iranian team not being able to wear shirts saying “Women, Life, Freedom”. Thus, although this World Cup was very entertaining, we cannot overlook the abuse that people went through in order to make it happen.

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