Opinion: Turn on the Televisions

By Sophia Lashmar, Year 11

La Grande Boissière is an undeniably busy campus. As schools go, there aren’t many more hectic places to be than at LGB, where every day there is a different show, art exposition, fundraising event, CAS project, bake sale, trip or club trying to get your attention. However, with all of these worthy causes needing audiences, members and donations, it is quite easy to see how these events can be overlooked. 

As clubs do their best to advertise with posters in the hallways, and as students are bombarded with daily emails filled with links and notices, the many worthy causes and notable events taking place on campus are frequently forgotten. Even when mentors remind their students about guest speakers, new service opportunities and fundraising projects, the students invariably forget as they go off to break and start talking about other things. 

However, students forgetting about such important matters as they go to break might just be the key to solving the problem. If there was a way to encourage discussion of these clubs, shows, fundraisers, trips and projects amongst friends, in a relaxed environment, it would surely help.  Students could use the opportunity outside of class to talk freely and make plans to attend shows, join a club together, or all donate to a noble cause; they are far more likely to take notice of the events and participate. 

So, if the key to getting students involved is to constantly remind them about the opportunities open to them, why is it not happening? Would it not be possible to remind students at a time where they are able to discuss with their friends? Would it not be best to stage such important information and crucial details somewhere students would see them multiple times a day? This would then serve as a constant reminder of what they are missing out on.

What sort of advertisement could fulfill all of those requirements? The answer lies in the televisions around campus and especially in the cafeteria. Most High School students flock to the cafeteria at break time, where there are several televisions available in prominent positions, which are perfect for advertising. 

Given that these screens have been broadcasting Sports Day results for the past three months, it is more than time for a change! Why not devote this space to advertising for worthy causes lacking in attention? 

It is well past time that the cafeteria televisions be put to good use, and also time for the school to promote student-led clubs, fundraisers and projects as much as possible, in order to encourage student leadership, champion charitable causes and foster creativity in its students.

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