Interview with the Artist Jason Kanagkins on his Exhibition at the Galeria Azur in Berlin

By Théa Dumont, Year 12

Jason Kanagkinis is a seventeen-year-old artist based in Geneva and Athens. This November 2022, was the first time he exhibited his work for public view at the  Galeria Azur in Berlin. He is also one of the students who took Higher Level IB art this year. For the LGB Express, he shares his impression of being exhibited for the first time in an art gallery and his opinion and experience of the HL art course at LGB.   

How would you describe your art?

I would describe my art as dynamic, bold and expressive. When I paint I let my intuition fully guide me. 

For how long have you been doing art? 

I have been doing art since I was 3.

How are you finding the IB Art course? What are the challenges?

So far, I am enjoying it a lot. I find the workload reasonable and I feel like I am being provided good guidance by my professor. 

Is there something you are looking forward to during the two-year IB art course?

I look forward to learning new things and growing as a person and as an artist. 

What are your sources of inspiration? 

My primary source of inspiration is my grandmother, Niki Kanagini, who was à Greek postwar and contemporary painter. She has influenced me immensely in developing my passion for art and not being afraid to fail when doing art. 

When was your first time exhibiting your artwork in a Galerie?

 The first time was this November in Galeria Azur, Berlin. 

Has your work exhibited given you recognition in the art world?

Exhibiting my artwork has given me exposure to a wide international audience however I cannot claim that I have gained recognition as I am only just starting. 

Is there a Galerie where you would like to see your pieces exhibited in the future? If so, where? 

It is an honour for me to exhibit my art and I am very grateful when I’m given the opportunity to do so from any gallery. Knowing that my art is appreciated brings me great joy.

Finally, how would you describe this experience of having your work exhibited? 

It has been a great experience so far and I am very grateful for the opportunities I have been given to exhibit my art internationally. 

Thank you for sharing your experience of IB HL Art and what it’s like having your work exhibited for the first time. Congratulations on your first exhibition and best of luck for the future! You can also visit his website to see more of his work:

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