What does the Graduation Committee do to make Year 13 memorable?

By Flora Lepage, Year 10

Being a senior in high school is the most important year of a teenager’s life. It decides their future, meaning it puts an immense amount of stress and weight on their shoulders. But even if the year is filled with studying for IB exams and with university applications, it is still meant to be the year that is remembered as one of the best years of their lives filled with memorable moments, friendships, and celebrations. Events that will forever remain in the student’s memories are orchestrated by an amazing and hardworking group of parents called the Graduation Committee. 

The group is formed of one core group of ten Y13 parents who organize the events and then a wider group of around twenty parents who also contribute. They organize multiple events for students as well as for parents. For students, there are study breaks, evenings, and other events. Three study breaks during the year are held during the morning break from 10:30 until 10:55 and are exclusively for Year 13. One was held earlier this semester with pains aux chocolats and croissants with coffee along with other foods and drinks. There were also decorations such as the graduation year number 2023 displayed in big gold letters, for a good photo opportunity for the entire year. Another study break is coming up very soon with the theme of the Escalade. Another upcoming event is the fondue evening for both students and parents. This will be held in early March at the end of mock exams as a way to celebrate the end of this stressful period before the actual exams begin. 

The Graduation Committee also organizes fundraisers with the parents. These fundraisers are held in order to collect money for the main social event of the year, the Graduation Party in June. Earlier this school year, there was an apéro for the parents where snacks and drinks were served. The parents had a chance to mingle and meet new people as well as donate to their children’s Graduation Parties. Last week a group of parents sold home-baked goods at the Ecolint Christmas market. They had set up their own stand with beautiful decorations filled with winter-themed snacks, it was hard to pass on buying one of their cookies or their hot apple juice filled with spices! These are only two of the fundraisers with many more coming up.

The ultimate project that they organize and fundraise for throughout the entire year is the Graduation Party. This party is the last event that will be held for Year 13 and is held the day after Graduation. The money raised will be going to this party and months are needed in order to perfectly organise this. It will be an amazing party filled with an atmosphere that can only be achieved by seniors who have just graduated. Each year, this is the perfect closure for the student’s senior year. 

The Graduation Committee is doing wonders in organizing events for both students and parents in order to make this year memorable. They strive to create fun events for the students to balance out the immense stress that they are under. This amazing and memorable year will stay with the seniors for their entire life and a great deal is thanks to the Graduation Committee. 

The LGB Express was lucky to be able to interview one of the ten core members of the Graduation Committee, Ebba Lepage. 

What do you hope the GradCo events will bring to the Year 13 students?

“Fun moments of relaxation and bonding with classmates strengthen the cohesion of the group.”

What is something challenging that the Graduation Committee faces?

“People often think that the Graduation Party in June is organized by the school, which it is not. The party happens each year because a group of parents get together and make it happen. Once the Graduation Committee is up and running, and parents understand the funding and organization necessary for the party, you find that parents are very willing to contribute.”

What is something you find exciting about being on the Graduation Committee?

“To get to know the other parents and to be part of the seniors’ last year.”

Do the students appreciate the events?

“Yes, very much. Each year the Graduation Committee sees that students are happy that events are put in place just for them to have fun. And of course, the Graduation Party is a memory for life!”

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