Events from the new STUCO

By Rebecca Attias, Year 12

This year, STUCO has a lot in store for you all!

The STUCO team consists of 7 members from LGB’s Year 12 and was recently elected in October. This year’s STUCO is called Flame. One of the many main objectives of the new team is to engage with all students throughout the whole year; including fun and interactive events!

A couple of weeks ago, STUCO hosted its first event, Halloween. All years were asked to dress up as individuals or in groups. The costumes that students wore ranged from basketball players to characters from their favorite books. And, lucky for them, the event stated that whoever showed up in a costume would receive free candy! This was a great and fun twist on “trick or treating” and very popular amongst all students. 

STUCO photographed all the costumes and placed them into surveys per year group. The winners were selected by the students and won free Bal des Neiges tickets!

This brings us to the month of November and December…

As winter is approaching, the STUCO team is preparing to offer the students events in November and December. To best describe it, think of keywords like snow, cozy, fun, and contests…This could include hot chocolate stands, spirit week, and some extra events too!

These events are still in the process of planning, so watch out!

Now, the Halloween contest raised a few questions and the word has been spreading about something great with an upcoming comeback… The Bal des Neiges, which has not been organized by LGB in 4 years, is on track to be brought back. Flame is working hard on bringing back the event of the year for all of us to enjoy!

STUCO enjoys using Instagram as its main social media platform. This allows them to easily share new information through posts or stories, and more importantly for students to be able to reach out for questions, interact based on their interests, and more! 

You can find Flame Stuco on Instagram: @flamestuco

Or, if you would like to reach out more personally, feel free to email them:

All of these events are ways to spark light and bring a sense of community back within our school; including teachers, staff, and students. Winter is a busy season full of surprises, and the STUCO team is here to satisfy and bring all of these things back to life!

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