Combining High Level Football with the IB Program, LGB: the True Experience of an Elite Player

By Jason Kanaginis, Year 12

The IB program was founded by our school in 1968 and since then, it is being offered successfully in over 5000 schools in over 150 countries. A great part of its success is due to its holistic approach on education and prioritisation of students’ well being. Despite it being academically rigorous, IB encourages students to engage in athletics and creative and social activities through its dedicated CAS sub program. This allows students who previously were not involved in athletics, to begin doing so and encourages students already involved in athletics to continue in full pursuit of their athletic goals. This article dives into what it is like combining high level soccer with the IB program at LGB. To help us better understand this high-intensity reality, we have interviewed Kairouan Boin, a year 12 IB student and elite soccer player who shared with us his experience so far and the challenged he faces.

Kairouan, please tell us a few words about yourself?

I was born in South Africa and have played football for since I can remember. I joined Ecolint in year 6, I moved from Rwanda to Geneva at the same time. I went on to stay 3 years at the campus of LGB before moving to the campus of Nations for 2 years and coming back to LGB last year (y11). I currently play at Vernier football club in B-inter which means we play in the whole of Suisse Romand. Its high level and we are part of a competitive league in which we are in the top 3.

How supportive is the school of high level athletes who wish to combine academics and sports?

From my perspective, the school is not doing enough for high level athletes who wish to combine academics and sport. Timetables should be more thoroughly planned out for high level athletes such as myself as I find that my timetable does not suit my necessities. I end late on most days and start everyday at 8:15 which affects my sleep which then affects my performance at training and school negatively. Sports +, is there to help and guide me however early morning trainings means I get even less sleep than anticipated. They put in place extra tutoring and academic help on Thursdays which is definitely a positive as it allows me to complete my homework with the help of a teacher if needed.

How do you balance school and soccer?

I try to balance school and football by organising my time, that means using my free periods to finish schoolwork and use the time I have before trainings on Monday or Tuesday to complete my work as I finish earlier on those days.

What are your academic and athletic goals?

My goals for football are to eventually join an academy or make it into the first team of Vernier. Both these routes are a solid path to go pro which is the ultimate goal. A third option would be to go D1 in the United States which would allow me to pursue my studies and continue to play football at a high level with the eventual possibility of going pro. Academically my ambitions are to have a great IB score getting high marks in all my classes.

Both academics and high level sport are intense and at times even exhausting. How do you unwind?

Unwinding is very important to someone like me who constantly feels the pressure of academic and sporting success. I unwind by either taking naps, watching netflix, or playing video games with my friends which is always fun. If I have the energy i would go out with my friends which is also always a blast.

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