The Return of the LGB Champions League

By Emre Balkis, Year 11

The Champions League is back in action for the 2022-2023 school year and people are looking forward to coming out and watching the games on display. This event was first introduced last year in 2021, and had a big success with many people signing up and playing on the field. It also gave the opportunity to create teams with different year groups and even teachers on the same squad, which helps bring our LGB community closer together. This year, the Champions League is bigger and better with many more teams that signed up and massive crowds coming to watch each game on the football pitch. They have even created an instagram account called “” where they post the games coming up, as well as all the different teams participating in the tournament. Erin Konak from Year 11 tells us his opinion about this whole event:

What do you think about the Champions League event?

“I think it’s a really really good school event to bring the school together. I think it’s good because you have different year groups competing against each other, and it’s for school spirit.”

Do you think it’s a good way to entertain people at break time?

“I think it’s good to have entertainment during break time, but I think it does interrupt a lot of the classes because I think that the players have to leave a little bit early from their previous class, and you can also be like 5 minutes late to your next class. So, maybe if there is better timing that’d be good but I think it’s good to have it at break time.”

What do you think about watching your own friends play?

“I think it’s cool watching my own friends play because that just makes me want to cheer for them and I think it’s a good thing to bring the community together.”

We also received some wonderful insights from a player in the tournament, Rohit Raman in Year 11: 

What do you think about the event?

“It’s a really great event, it promotes school spirit. I am really happy that the teachers aren’t involved because it really provides a way for the students to organize things by themselves. And I’m for everything the management stands for. It’s really great to see what they can do especially when they have no one pushing against them. The tournament has been a great success and I hope it continues like that.”

Do you think they should do this again next year?

“I mean of course! Repetition of good things, history repeats itself and good history should repeat itself.”

To conclude, this Champions League tournament clearly has a very positive outcome on our community with the exception of the interruption of classes like Erin had mentioned. It provides a good way for the community to come together and to entertain people during break.

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