Introducing the Demo Squad

By Desiree Blazier, Year 12

The Demo Squad is a student-lead chemistry group supervised by the chemistry department’s very own Ms. Newman. The Demo Squad aims to get more students to pursue science in chemistry. They have presented many exciting experiments in high school assemblies and are all passionate about the subject. Here is an inside look at what the members of the club have to say about their experience:

  1. To start, could you explain what the Demo Squad is? How have some past sessions been structured, what do you do, etc?:

Ignatios Chamallelis: It is a team of chemistry students who all wanted to share how much they like the subject.

  1. What would you say your main goal/objective is for the demo squad?:

Ignatios Chamallelis: To get more kids excited about this amazing subject.

  1. Have you faced any challenges so far? Any specific experiments that posed a problem?:

Ignatios Chamallelis: The first few times we did experiments it took so many hours to get everything perfect such as quantities and small details.

  1. What about the demo squad has succeeded/gone well so far?:

Ignatios Chamallelis: We thought all three experiments were fun and especially the second one since it was very exciting.

  1. What makes the demo squad stand out against other LGB clubs?:

Ignatios Chamallelis: We worked so well together and it was a great experience for all of us. I would recommend this to all future chemistry students. It was super fun.

  1. What is your favourite part about the demo squad? Any favourite experiments thus far?:

Emma Merluzzi: My favourite thing about the demo squad is the relationship we have with each other. Putting a bunch of different people in a lab together to conduct chemical experiments creates a sense of camaraderie that is hard to find anywhere else. The bunch of us have gotten to know each other through yelling and disagreeing over various small discrepancies, and has allowed me to become well acquainted with people that I wouldn’t have spoken with before. 

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