A Peek Into LGB’s Brand New Film Club

By Amelia Melo, year 12

Amidst the countless artistic and creative clubs at LGB, there is a new addition to the collection: Film Club! All about the beauty of cinematography and the art of movie-making, the club is run by the year 12s Hélène Chaligné and Désirée Blazier. Below is an interview with the two of them all about their inspirations for the club and their takes on film. 

First things first, could you briefly explain what the film club is about? What you discuss, how the sessions are run, etc.

Hélène: At Film Club we look at everything surrounding film, from the history to the process of creating production design on a set. We prepare slides filled with pictures and scenes to look at and discuss.  For our last session we looked at “sad” scenes from films like Oslo, August 31 and Shoplifters and we discussed what made these scenes sad for viewers.

What inspired you guys to create the Film Club? 

Hélène: I have always loved art and sharing it with people but film is very special because of the fact that it is a mix of so many separate art forms like music, visual arts and writing coming together to create a unique experience.  I also wanted to introduce or reintroduce people to this art that has had many challenges as of late and unfortunately declined in popularity.

Désirée: Hélène and I both love films and our friendship started off of that same interest. We knew we needed a CAS project so we set out to make this vision possible. 

What is your favourite thing about film? 

Hélène: Just how big of a universe it is and how many layers it has to it. It is an endless joy in my life as there will always be something new or old to love.

What would you say is your main goal in running the Film Club? 

Hélène: To get people to pay more attention to what they love about films and to bring back the excitement surrounding cinema.

Désirée: Also to show our fellow classmates a range of genres and to show them films that may be out of their usual realm.

Have you faced any big challenges in running the Film Club so far, and if so, what were they and have they been overcome? 

Hélène: Boring technical problems really. We got the more tech-savvy members to help us as well as just pressing buttons on the board till it worked. 

What was one aspect of creating the Film Club that really succeeded? 

Hélène: People enjoyed having discussions and debates about scenes we analysed.

What are some plans that you have for future sessions? 

Hélène: I would really love to do a session on the resurgence of romantic comedies in recent years and observe the different forms a romantic comedy can take. 

What type of students at LGB do you think would enjoy the Film Club? 

Hélène: Honestly anyone can tag along because we do take care to explain all the technical terms if they are a part of what we are looking at and we do not only look at black and white silent films, we make sure to balance out the mainstream with the lesser-known works. 

Désirée: Our goal with the club was to have as many students come as possible. Film is obviously a widely enjoyed medium and interesting for everyone. We hope to have even more students attend in the future.

What makes the Film Club stand out amongst all the creative clubs at LGB? 

Hélène: I haven’t attended any other creative clubs, to be honest, but our Film Club is very open so you do not need to have any prior knowledge to enjoy yourself.

Désirée: Our club is very interactive and laid back

Finally, why should LGB students join the Film Club? 

Hélène: They should join because getting excited about films is simply very fun and learning about the different aspects of filmmaking ultimately makes you appreciate and enjoy them so much more. 

Be sure to stop by for a session of the Film Club on Monday break times in room GB 206 (Ms. Gander’s classroom)!! Also, be sure to follow their Instagram @lgbfilmclub

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