View about LGB robotics

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Written by Shriniket Buche


There have been many advancements in robotics and we are long gone since the days when robots were only seen in sci-fi movies with ominous intentions of taking over the world. Robots now influence us in every aspect of life be it in manufacturing or in niche aspects such as elderly care. Mechanized processes of doing menial tasks have now allowed humankind to be able to move forward as a society. This is why LGB has made robotics a main part of its STEM center. Robotics is not a subject which is unreachable for the common minded like you and I. Robots can be built very easily and can be programmed to do some of the most fascinating things. Even children can build robots and program them through the LEGO Mindstorms project. Given its accessibility and its capacity for the future, I highly encourage people to come and visit. Robotics have the capability to change our lives in a very significant way. Already robots are being created in order to care for the elderly and provide menial tasks that the elderly are not able to do. Some supermarkets are using them as replacements for workers as they are cheaper and more efficient. Learning the basics of robotics thus keeps you ahead of the game and much more relevant for the future.

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