How to Avoid Exam Period Taking a Toll on Your Mental Health

By Thiago Barata Reis, Year 12

It is no secret that exams can be immensely stressful. Whether you are in year 9 preparing for exams for the first time, or even in year 12 preparing for exams that are important for university applications, it is important to take care of your mental health. This will make exam season a smoother period and ensure better performance when it comes to exam day. Here are some of the LGB Express’ favorite tips to de-stress during a stressful period.

  1.  Practice mindfulness

Firstly, it can be tremendously helpful to work on mindfulness. Various studies have shown that mindfulness can help reduce anxiety and stress. Additionally, mindfulness can improve concentration, emotional intelligence and mental clarity. It also elevates the compassion people feel for others, improving relationships with friends and families. Apart from these benefits to mental well-being, A study by UC Santa Barbara shows a correlation between practicing mindfulness and achieving higher exam scores. Implementing mindfulness into your daily life is also not difficult! It can be as simple as downloading an app on your phone, such as Insight Timer, or searching for a youtube video. Even 10 minutes a day can be beneficial. However, benefits are not instantly visible, so it is important to commit to the process for at least a few weeks.

  1. Get enough exercise

Exercise can be a great way to get your mind off exams. Exercise can boost the production of endorphins, hormones that help people cope with pain and stress. An increase in endorphin levels improves people’s moods. Physical exercise also increases production of ATP, a molecule used to store and transfer energy in cells. This means that exercise can increase people’s physical and mental productivity. Some physical activities include going for a run, playing football with friends, playing basketball, or going to the gym. 

  1. Getting enough sleep

It may seem impossible at times to get enough sleep during a period where so much work has to be done. Sometimes, students pull all-nighters in order to make sure that they know everything for their exam the next morning. This is not a good idea. Stanford medicine reports that lack of sleep can negatively affect concentration and anxiety and potentially increase the risk of depression. It also increases the chances of panic attacks. Spreading out revision over the course of multiple days can help mitigate this problem. This will give students enough time to do their work, enjoy their free time and sleep at an appropriate time. 

  1. Try creating a focused study group

Research has shown that studying with peers increases the mind’s ability to absorb information. Study groups allow students to have conversations about the subject they are studying, putting forth ideas, and getting feedback from other people. This is particularly helpful for writing in intensive subjects such as English and economics. Additionally, having a study group keeps students accountable, ensuring that they do not talk themselves out of studying. Finally, people in study groups can encourage one another, making studying a more positive experience. Study groups do not work for everyone, however, so make sure you are conscious of whether or not it is beneficial for you.


In conclusion, the exam period does not have to be extremely stressful and overwhelming. Obviously, it is good to study a lot and aim for the best, but it is also important to live a balanced life and have good mental health. If you have not started studying for exams, try to start as soon as possible so that you can spread out the work over many days. Even 30 mins to 1 hour a day of studying can increase your confidence and motivate you to study more. Just remember to take time for yourself as well!

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