A New Show to Add to Your My Watch List: Heartstopper

by Elena Smith, Year 10

Heartstopper is a tv show recently released on Netflix based on the comic books written by celebrated author, Alice Oseman, who writes books for teenagers and young adults. She is known for her comic book series Heartstopper which, even before the show came out on Netflix, has a massive fan base. 

Heartstopper, is a romance story featured around two teenage boys who discover they have feelings for each other. However, being queer in an all boys school is anything but easy. This book accurately explains, and conveys the difficulties of coming out and self-acceptance. Although Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson are the two main characters, other character’s stories are featured such as; Darcy and Tara, two girls in a relationship who also have to overcome the difficulties of being out. Elle, who transferred to the all girls school after coming out as transgender has a diffcult time whilst trying to undestand her feelings towards Tao, her bestfriend, who doesn’t seem to be open to relationships. Throughout the story they face different high school dilemmas together for example bullies, but also certain mental health issues. This series is suitable for all ages, and is recommended to watch with families. The only disclaimer is that Heartstopper covers serious topics like homophbia, sexual assualt and touches slightly on eating disorders (mostly later on in the comic book series), although overall it is an extremely kid-friendly show!

Overall, the reviews of Heartstopper have been overwhelmingly positive and is a massive success. Infact, even on “rotten tomatoes” known for giving the harshest reviews, it still managed to get an impressive 98% rating.  Both actors, Joe Locke (who plays Charlie Spring) and Kit Connor (who plays Nick Nelson) have said they are both incredibly touched by the fans’ response to the tv series, and the support that they have given the actors. 

Although for the most part this show has only had fantastic reviews, there are some comments on the new Netflix series that are not positive. Firstly, some reviews wrote that although Heartstopper was an incredibly adorable show, it was not realistic and made coming out seem “easier” than it actually is. This was probably the main negative comment made around the show, as lots felt it did not show a realistic view on life. Another criticism the fans gave was that the show did not include one of the beloved characters from the comic books called Aled. In the Netflix show they introduced a new character called Isaac. Some felt this was unnecessary, and that they should have stuck to the original characters. 

To understand fully how the student’s of Ecolint reacted to this show, I asked certain students some questions, to see what they thought about the show. 

Once again, the show has had great success, even here in the Ecolint community. Several students thought the representation in the series was amazing, and helped them feel seen and heard. Other students said they watched the show with their parents, to help them understand the LGBTQ+ community. One student even said Heartstopper inspired them to come out to their parents, who had watched the show with them. 

Personally, I found the show soothing, and nostalgic. Watching this TV series truly felt like I was being given a warm hug, and I couldn’t help but watch it several times, it is just so sweet! I definitely loved Heartstopper, and it was so refreshing to see a happy story featuring two same sex couples, as a lot of the time LGBTQ+ stories are tragic, and end badly. The acting was good, although there were one or two parts I felt could have been brought to life a bit more. Although it was a superb show, I would not be able to say it is one of my favorites simply because the acting wasn’t quite as good as some shows I have watched, which is to be expected as the cast members are very young. That said, I congratulate all of the actors their amazing performances and hard work. 

Heartstopper has been a hit in our generation, but I don’t think it would be for everyone, as it doesn’t have much drama or action which many people love. If you feel like watching a sweet and uplifting show, Heartopper is the one for you!

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