Back to School, Back to Sports

Laurin Rupp, Year 12

It is the start of a new and exciting school year, which unfortunately also means quite a lot of hard work and stress. However, the best way to have fun with your friends after school while socializing is to join a sports team (if for no other reason than to get you CAS experiences). Many studies show that in order to relieve the stress of everyday life, people should do at least 2.5 hours of intensive sport a week, but more is recommended for your physical and mental well-being.

The extracurricular sporting programme at LGB is, no doubt, one of the most excellent programmes in the world. It offers a large variety of sports that are not only played for fun, but can also be played for competition as well.

At LGB, there are no ‘teams’ – candidates are allocated according to their age group. Better yet, candidates from all levels are able to apply and join a sporting activity. There is a quite some competition because of LGB’s partnership with ‘The Linguee du Lac’ (six private schools surrounding the Geneva Lake), ADISR (includes private schools in the French speaking side of Switzerland) and SGIS (includes Swiss schools from all over Switzerland).  There are also inter-campus competitions or tournaments, which take place between Ecolint’s three campuses: La Grande Boissiere, La Chataigneraie, and Campus des Nations.

If you have not yet joined a sports team, there are many options you can choose from, seeing as LGB offers a large variety of competitive, and non-competitive sports, such as football, volleyball, self-defense, basketball, rugby, climbing, gymnastics, track and field, and many more activities. It is not too late for you to sign up, even for competitive sports (for which no particular level of skill is required), and if you’re not sure what you want to do, just come to the first few practices, talk to the coaches, and if you like it, you can always officially sign up later. Most activities take place twice a week for 1 or 2 hours.

I myself am part of the basketball club (which is every Tuesday and Thursday) and I love it, because it’s a time where I can forget about everything else and am able to just enjoy playing with my friends. It can be challenging at times, but after each practice, I can guarantee that you’ll feel better about yourself. So don’t hesitate, join a sports team!

If you’re interested, click HERE for the timetable for sports and tournaments at LGB.


Monday 21

  • ADISR football senior boys match at CDL at 4:30-7:30pm

Saturday 26

  • Netball tournament SGIS B, C, D, E in Lausanne.


  • European sports conference – host families needed from Thursday 12th November to Saturday 14th November. Please click HEREfor more information and click HERE to confirm your commitment to host students.

Don’t forget to send an email if you’re interested in sending us images, videos, or reviews of your tournaments and experience with your sports team!

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