Iceland Diary

By Elias Rimer, Year 10

During the October break I went on holidays with my grandfather. Unlike the many others, who did the best they could to reincarnate summer holidays by going to tropical spas and sun shining beaches, we chose to go to Iceland where storms are as much of a staple as whale. It was cold, rainy and the wind was so strong you’d be blown back inside once you opened the door. Now you may be thinking to yourself: why would anyone put themselves through that sort of misery? It’s because of the amazing experiences you gain. At a paradise resort everything is done for you. Of course it is very ‘comfortable and lavish’ but a month later you’ll be thinking about when the next Yeezys come out. Whilst going to adventurous places is the complete opposite. For example, while my friend was enjoying a back rub with cucumbers over her eyes I was hiking up a near freezing river in the pouring rain (in my jeans) for the sole purpose of getting a glimpse of a black waterfall. All the care I took to stay dry on the way up, only prepared me for falling knee-deep into hypothermia near the exit.

What I am alluding to is that once in awhile you should push yourself to get off the beaten path. Explore countries with languages that twist your tongue a render English useless. Eat foods that would not even be allowed in show and tell. Travel with your neighbour, your grandfather or your guru because their eyes see things differently.

Explore the limits of our precious Earth. Go to places that don’t require filters. Taste the air like you would a candy store. Visit cities: total population 38. And if you don’t like the toilets, your next trip’s is probably Dubai.

Here are a few pictures:

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