The Pink Day Team Is Back!

By Rebecca Attias, Year 11

Breast cancer has become an issue at the forefront of today’s society. It is most common amongst women; in Switzerland, it is the most dangerous form of cancer for women, accounting for 18% of cancer deaths. Although it primarily touches elderly women, young girls are also at risk. Altogether, about 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. It is vital to detect the disease at the earliest possible stage as this substantially increases the chances of recovery. Therefore, awareness must be spread about this in order to help alleviate this problem.

October is the month for breast cancer awareness, and here at LGB, there is a fantastic team dedicated to spreading awareness and raising funds for breast cancer. The Pink Day team consists of 7 students sharing a common goal: raising awareness and collecting research funds. The leaders of Pink Day 2022 are two Year 12 students: Alexia Franco Hibner and Maria Nonay Jordi, joined by the new members from Year 11: Aliyah Noor, Lucile Remy, Rebecca Attias, Rosalie Verspieren, and Sophie Aubakirova.

The team supports ETH Zurich’s Research center in various ways. The research center focuses on improving the detection of breast cancer symptoms. This is key in bettering the way the cancer is dealt with and can make all the difference for those battling it.

In previous years, Pink Day has done bake sales, engaged in Go Fund Me, and has had an Instagram account where students can be updated on facts or upcoming events. Covid-19 was a tough time for Pink Day due to the strict restrictions including social distancing, the lack of interaction between different year groups, the prohibition of selling food, and many more. But, the Pink Day team is back on track! With the newly lifted restrictions, the team has many exciting upcoming events for the rest of the school year. Some of Pink Day’s ideas include bake sales, sponsored walks, talks at school, selling hoodies, and more. Most of these events are in the process of being planned, but their first event is coming up next week! 

On March 25, during the morning breaks of middle and high school, the Pink Day team will be hosting a bake sale. There will be lots of sweet and salty treats, and cold and warm beverages, all to raise awareness and money for donations. All year mentors will be made aware of the bake sale so that all students can bring money. The Pink Day Instagram account will also be reminding students in the lead up to the 25th of March. 

This is just the beginning! The Pink Day team will make sure to keep students updated on all of the events planned for the sunny days coming ahead. Follow @pinkday_lgb on Instagram for more updates on events and facts on breast cancer and stay tuned for an upcoming website dedicated for the Pink Day at LGB!

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