Back to School: September Events

Priya Roy, Year 12

It doesn’t feel like it’s just the third week back to school from summer holidays. It feels like we’ve been here forever and we’ll be here for all of eternity. That’s not true of course, our next big break is half-term and then it’s winter and before you know it, you’ll be sleeping in until 2pm after having a Netflix marathon with (unfortunately) no chill.

As for the “News” section of The LGB Express, we’ll be primarily focusing on School Events and reminders for students of the secondary school about sports tournaments, talent shows, clubs, meetings, bake sales, student council events, and other events in Geneva. There will also be monthly recap videos from Prime StuCo as well as reviews of events written by students of LGB.

The past few weeks have been quite interesting and filled with school and staff and grading changes (character profiles) and timetable mishaps. We were welcomed back to school by Dr Conrad Hughes, the new secondary school principal, with an interesting perspective on his life, childhood and his personal interests, like playing guitar. You can relive that experience by watching this VIDEO.


Monday 21

  • The LGB Express Launch Event at break in the caf
  • Secondary School Assembly at 11:40 in the Greek Theatre
  • Universities visit at 6pm in La Chat campus – Brown, UPenn, Yale, Stanford, Wellesley.
  • ADISR football senior boys match at CDL at 4:30-7:30pm
  • Assembly at 11:40 VIDEO HERE

Tuesday 22

  • LGB Fights CF Meeting at break in GB101 about the marathon in Lausanne on October 3rd!

Wednesday 23

  • The LGB Express Meeting at break GB101 – all interested writers welcome! Become a part of the team!

Thursday 24

  • US Liberal Arts College Visit @6:30pm in Centre des arts. Find out about four universities, and a workshop on how college applications are analyzed by admissions offices!

Friday 25

  • Y9 Parents Coffee Morning (Managing Academic Life in Secondary) 8:30-9:15 in the caf.

Saturday 26

  • Netball tournament SGIS B, C, D, E in Lausanne.


  • Homework help at the learning centre is on Mondays through Thursdays from 3:30-5:00pm.
  • Click HEREto find out more about centre des arts – extra curricular activities.
  • CIS fair next Wednesday (30th September) @6:30-9pm La Chat campus – around 100 colleges and universities from multiple countries. Click HEREfor the detailed programme.
  • European sports conference – host families needed from Thursday 12th November to Saturday 14th November. Please click HEREfor more information and click HERE to confirm your commitment to host students.
  • Humanitarian Trips: Senegal (February 2016), contact // Vietnam (March 2016), contact // Portugal (May 2016), contact

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