La Chat Alumna Headed To Antarctica

By Yeon Ji Oh, year 12

One of Ecolint’s alumna, Anthea Fleming from the La Châtaigneraie class of 2020, has been selected to participate in the 2041 Foundation ClimateForce expedition to Antarctica.

The expedition consists of a 12-day educational journey by ship to “the last great wilderness on Earth”, led by polar explorer and sustainability champion Robert Swan O.B.E – the first person in history to trek to both of Earth’s poles.

From March 17th to March 28th 2022, the carbon negative expedition aims to inspire, develop and train the next generation of leaders to promote a more sustainable future. It is followed by the Leadership On The Edge (LOTE) program, which incorporates a unique blend of up-to-date climate change training, interactive workshops, and sustainability education. Its fundamental focus points are leadership, storytelling, and connected learning, which are skills to help the participants excel in their journey and transformative endeavours. 

Over 100 of the finest young leaders of this generation have been hand-selected from 30 nations. They represent start-ups, governments, leading universities and more.

Why Antarctica?

Currently, Antarctica is being protected by the Antarctic Treaty, which prohibits mining, drilling, nuclear explosions and promotes scientific research until the year 2041, hence the name given to the foundation ‘2041’.

By that year, it is said that the fate of the last great wilderness will be at stake. 2041 also corresponds to the year in which the Treaty can be renegotiated. 

What can students do on our side?

Anthea Fleming says the program will be empowering youth to commit to protecting the planet. 

She says “By investing in me, you are investing in the future of our planet. Help me create a community where this epic journey can be shared through photographs, blogs, and stories upon return.”

Help her achieve her Gofundme goal and spread the word by clicking the link below.  

Fundraiser by Anthea Fleming: Help Anthea fundraise for Antarctica 2041 mission (

Close up of the itinerary

The point of disembarkation will be at Ushuaia, the capital of Tierra del Fuego Provincia in Argentina. As they set sail for Antarctica, the expedition will travel through the Beagle Channel and pass the Drake Passage, which is the ‘gateway’ to Antarctica. As they arrive in Antarctica, they will pass by the Crystal Sound, Fish Islands, and Prospect Point. They will also discover the Antarctic Circle and the Gullet. Antarctica will become a living classroom for the explorers. Immersive activities along the Peninsula such as hikes, beach exploration, Zodiac cruises, and wildlife watching will take part in the very richly planned out days of the participants.

Find out more about the  detailed itinerary on the website

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