Y13 student makes her own luck with a lost pen

By Priya Roy, Year 13

We’ve all felt this way. Fortunate. Lucky. Blessed. And blissful. When we find that abandoned pen on a lab desk in Chemistry or on the carpeted floor of an Economics classroom.

One year 13 student, Hannah, was especially attached to a sleek orange pen she accidentally picked up towards the back of the LGB Secondary Library.

You see, it became her lucky pen – that’s the one. We all have it. We can all relate. But Hannah knew that all pens have an expiration date… a deadline, if you will. And so, she did what she had to do, and she reached out – she made her own luck.

Through hope guised as laughter and jokes, she wrote the following e-mail, and sent it off to Zurich B Hotels, in search of something other than hard work and studying that would help her pass the semester, at the very least…

1: The email


2: The reply!


3: Good luck…


4: A lucky pen for a lucky student.


True story

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