The Great Indignity

By Kareem Gomersall, Y12

A warm deserted night begins to close,

The Monument, it wakes to face again,

The fans who wait to breach the gates of cell,

To bribe the sentinels who kept the peace

And quiet of the warm deserted night.

They file again into the grounds demarked:

“Awake! O, please great beast!” the choir sounds.

“Show us your seat of death from which we’ve robbed all of your trinkets, chairs, your paint, your home,

But do not fret great Khufu, listen here:

Yes, all which was yours is now safely mine.

I keep it just for you in my grand home,

Safe from all else that wish’s it harm… and you.”

The hot desert day opens once again,

The great Pyramid poses for its guests.

Great Khufu, gold and treasures, now long gone.

All glory paid for now by those who quest

To keep the Orient still as their pawn.

They guard the keys to its great history,

O, days before their great indignity.

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