CAS Club Feature: Sports Society

By Teymour Younes, Y12

Sports Society is a club that takes place every Monday break (10:30-11) in the STEM Centre where students can discuss and debate anything to do with events happening in the sports world, as well as participate in fitness programs to keep active and receive nutrition and recovery tips to improve sports performance. We were lucky enough to get an interview with its two founders, Aymeric Evrard and Teo Secilmis.

So why did they start the Sports Society? The decision came from their passion for sports. They both play sports at a competitive level (rugby and basketball), and have both found that sports helped them develop, not only as an athlete, but as a person. Through creating this club they have tried to help other members of the LGB community gain values such as courage, leadership, and teamwork.

For the less sports orientated readers, this club might still have something to offer for you. During this weekly session members of Sports Society take part in a debate about one chosen topic that Aymeric and Teo prepare extensively. Most weeks, the club is expected to receive around 10 members which is more than enough to conduct a well structured debate which should help you improve your debating skills.

When asked about the process of making the club, Teo replied “the process was extremely simple” and he went on to say that with a few emails to the CAS advisor he was able to set up the club without any difficulty. He went on to strongly recommend starting your own club. “It has given us the opportunity to meet so many new people and come together as a community to discuss something we all love,” he said. If you’re interested in joining, Sports Society meets every Monday from 10:30-11 in the STEM Centre!

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