Meet Your 2020-21 Student Council: JUICE

By Juliane Delisle-Pye, Y13

This year, after lengthy campaigns from four different StuCo candidates, JUICE was elected as the new leading student council. JUICE, or Join Us In Creating Excellence, is composed of seven members: Victor Carreras (Chairman), Felix Vogel (Vice Chairman), Sabine Pierce Jones (Public Relations Officer), Michael Rimer (Treasurer), Giulia D’ambrosio (Secretary), Anya Markovitz (Events Manager), and Montague Jacobs (PR – Statistician). The students at LGB have put their trust in this team and look forward to their leadership, especially in this year filled with uncertainty.

JUICE wasn’t the only candidate, though; three other teams also ran for student council, these being: ASAP, MYLE, and Solar. This goes to show that competition for student council was high this year, with distinctly more StuCo candidates than last year’s two (Wave and Nova StuCo).

These seven members have made their involvement with school life evident as participants and leaders in an extensive list of clubs, societies, and projects (including the LGB Express!). Indeed, it would be unhelpful to list all of the activities they take part in, but we can cite just a few major examples. Victor is the leader of the Medical Society as well as the Children’s Literacy Club; Felix leads the Historical Society and is currently editor of the LGB Express Sports section; Sabine and Anya are also editors for the LBG Express, Sabine of the Arts section and Anya as editor in chief; Michael is leader of the Lac Léman Clean Up Team; Giulia is leader of the Jordan Project, while Montague co-leads the Eco-Committee and the Movie Lovers club. Their participation in all of these activities certainly contributed to their election, since they are probably relatively well known by everyone and demonstrate commitment to school life.

According to JUICE StuCo’s “Nutrition Facts”, JUICE has lots of events lined up for this year. These events would all comply with COVID regulations. JUICE has already carried out a Halloween costume contest which took place on the most part on Friday the 30th of October through polls on their social media account. The lucky winner was gifted a free ticket to any of the events organised by the student council, including the Bal des Neiges. On top of this, last Friday the 13th of November, an E-sports Rocket League tournament with competing teams of two took place, allowing students to participate in a tournament other than the live sports ones which have unfortunately been cancelled due to COVID restrictions. Other events which have been planned include movie, bonfire, trivia, and karaoke nights; a talent and fashion show; lake and sports days; and the yearly Bal des Neiges. The question is: Are these events going to be permitted to take place? The question does raise itself in this time of pandemic with last year’s Bal des Neiges did have to be cancelled.

Moreover, JUICE is hoping to implement a range of small changes to the school. These include installing a net around the football pitch and putting homework on Managebac mandatory, as well as attempting to make the mentor period for year 13s online and playing music in the cafeteria twice a week. Changes like these are far likelier to be implemented as they don’t demand direct human contact, and that’s not anyone’s fault, it’s simply the world we’re living in at the moment. All of these changes are based on feedback JUICE has gotten from students since the beginning of the year and on some notes from last year. Of course, they are always open for suggestions and can be reached via email at, on instagram @juicestuco, or by contacting any of the members via school email or in person.

I think this year we can wish JUICE StuCo and the year representatives lots of luck in their endeavours to improve the school in any way they can and to make this an enjoyable year for everyone, despite the circumstances.

Photo by Louise Falkengren, Y12

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