CAS Club Feature: We for S/He Club

By Sabine Ebanks, Y11

The We for S/He Club is one of LGB’s many CAS clubs, open to students from years 9-13 to attend if they are interested. This club is a discussion group on issues surrounding gender equality. To better understand and explore this club, we interviewed one of the club’s leaders, Ruya Sapherson (Year 13). 

Can you give a brief introduction of the club and what it’s about? 

The club is an awareness group addressing issues linked to gender roles and their evolution. More specifically, how these changing contexts may affect students in the club.

How long have you been a part of the club?

I have been in this club since year 10, so this marks the 3rd year of my involvement. 

What are the main goals of the club in ten words or less?

To educate members in hopes that they educate others.

What do you do in the club each week?

We pick a topic of discussion each week on issues linked to gender roles. We then examine varying perspectives and engage in debates surrounding these sometimes conflicting points of view.

How does the club positively impact the LGB community?

I think the club enables students to have a safe space where they can talk about their own personal issues or experiences, their points of view, subjects of interest and much more. Therefore I believe the club allows students to interact and voice their opinions without any judgement as the topics of discussion never have a right/wrong answer. The club allows students to both educate others and be educated themselves through the weekly discussions. This encourages students to further discuss these prominent issues outside of the club with their friends or family. 

Does the club count for CAS?

Yes! It counts for CAS under service. 

Who can attend? 

Absolutely anyone can join. Although I understand there might be an initial prejudice towards the clubs name that it may cater only towards females, due to it being “we for s/he”. However, it’s important to note that there is a dash between the “s/he”. This was added in hopes of the club not being viewed as a “feminist club” but more as an “equity club”. Equity is defined as the process of being fair to women and men. To ensure fairness, strategies and measures must often be available to compensate for women’s historical and social disadvantages that prevent women and men from otherwise operating on a level playing field. Therefore, equity leads to equality.

Join the We for S/He club in GB 306 on Fridays at break (10:30-10:55). For more information, contact or Ms. Oberai ( Find the club on Instagram @wefors.he. 

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