Out of Order

By Madeleine Gabriele, Y9

The sign says no and you want to cry,

But you hide your tears and swallow your pride.

All that you wanted was a delicious treat,

But it’s out of order and there’s nothing to eat.

In your mind, you go to pass the time

By imagining what you’d get for your dime.

You press the number and insert the coin,

A click and a whir and you grip the coign.

Your snack drops to the bottom, you don’t want to lose it,

But it’s all in your mind and the man says, “move it!”

They lift it up and move it out,

So you sit back in your chair and pout.

But then, you hear the squeak of new wheels,

You turn your head and fall head over heels.

It’s another machine, all shiny and new,

And there’s no sign telling you what to do.

You stand up as soon as the workers part,

And you look at the glass and hear it start.

The glorious humming, the whirs and the clicks,

And you pick out one treat, but instead get six.

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