Peru Trip

Imaan Khan, Year 12

During the spring break, two Spanish teachers, Señor Hoyos and Señora Collado, took 11 students including myself on a two week trip to Peru.


A picture of the group

We left after school on the 16th of March and took 3 flights to get to our destination, Cusco, and returned on the 30th of March.

The trip as a whole was an unforgettable experience. I got to spend two weeks with my friends learning about different cultures, visiting historical sites and museums and, of course, helping out at a local children’s home/orphanage. All the children were incredibly cute and lovely to spend time with.


A picture I took of some children from the remar Hogar de niños in Cusco

We even took a mini trip to Machu Picchu and were able to climb to the summit after visiting the site.


A picture I took during our trip to Machu picchu

I loved every second of those two weeks as I was exposed to new things and surrounded by Spanish, which I think really helped me to improve my abilities. I really think taking a trip like this is a must do because, of course, not only does it counts for CAS, but it’s also worth so much more; it’s an experience you will probably remember for the rest of your life. For me, it was amazing trying new foods, experiencing Peruvian markets and Semana Santa, seeing all the old Inca temples and visiting museums with beautiful paintings. In other words, if I could do it again I definitely would.

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