LGB’s Second Crossword is up for grabs!

By Jacob Mansfield, Y12

Congratulations to Mr. Hamzavi for solving the previous crossword! You can still send us responses if you complete it.

Many of us are spending a lot more time at home in front of our screens, leading way to boredom. In response, we have a new crossword for you to try!

A quick summary for those new to the crossword: this is a new initiative by the LGB Express as a part of March Madness, to commemorate the founding month of the paper in 2012. Inspired by the New York Times, these 15×15 crosswords are always rotationally symmetrical, each has a special theme and question marks in clues designate puns.

Our crosswords are also influenced by our international spirit at LGB and sometimes include words from other languages, as well as some LGB-specific references.

Continuing with our newly established trend, here is this week’s crossword with quite a famous theme. Send in your entries to jacob.mansfield@learning.ecolint.ch.

To access in browser: (click on cells to see clues) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yvJfl9m2zx3lN1MHy0RdoW042YQxD6-zBY57aoiKETE/edit?usp=sharing

To access a printable version, download: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aW-KD_dzn10L8AL-EGUCLfEACAY5YsJ15XH50ZJbDfs/edit?usp=sharing

Happy solving!

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