The Geneva Derby

Simone Napolitano, Year 12

Throughout this entire season, the LGB male senior football team has been fighting hard to claim the title cup. They have vanquished many opponents, but the most serious threats lay in the final stages of the tournament. Recently, our heroes have gone up against two of the lake’s most feared lineups: Nations and CDL.


The first game against Nations took place about a week ago. It was a cold, somber day; an atmosphere which clearly reflected the player’s attitudes to one another. The changing rooms were silent with anticipation for the great game. Many members of the team were unable to attend due to upcoming exams, so LGB had desperately summoned junior team players. They marched out onto the pitch. The mist covering the field was mixed with tension and determination. Both teams would do whatever they had to to win.

Unfortunately, the game started off poorly for our blue compatriots. Nations gave it all they had and managed to score three goals before half-time. Our spirits were down, convinced on defeat, until, like a candle in darkness, our captain, Antonios Vitalis, emanating with compassion, inspired the team to give one last push. And just like that, the game became a goal-fest. Through pain and conflict, our battered players succeeded in scoring 4 goals, just enough to put them in the lead. As a result, an insane amount of pressure caused a few Nation’s players to burst, and a fight erupted on the field. After everything was calmed down, the game resumed, and nations pushed through our tired defense one last time to score a goal before the final whistle. The final result was 4 – 4, a resounding success for our team considering its player limitations and the uncertainty that comes along with them.


The second game, which took place four days ago, was against CDL. Unlike last game, this one was rather ugly. Both teams were at each other’s throats with dirty tackles and offensive name calling. Nonetheless, LGB was dominant for the entire game. After our first goal scored in the 10th minute, CDL went ultra-defensive and kept trying to hit LGB on the counter-attack. The crowd was roaring in support for our boys, watching them thrash their opponents, wave after wave. Unfortunately, in the last 10 minutes, CDL converted a free-kick, bringing the score to 1 -1. This tie was more disappointing than the last, but still keeps LGB in first place.

Our boys have fought hard and are recovering from this rough-patch, determined to smash their next opponent. So watch out La Chat, we’re coming for you!

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