The Girl with the Light

By Madeleine Gabriele, Y 9

She walks at night with the light of the lamps

so she doesn’t feel scared, though she knows there’s no chance.

She walks with it until there’s no light.

She uses the light from the device she holds tight.

But when the battery runs dry, she’s becomes all alone,

And that’s when the crazy ones start to moan.

The crazy ones are the ones with the light,

Because they think they can win over a little girl’s fight.

But the girl is prepared so they can’t take her away,

And nothing can fight against her pepper spray.

But she then thinks to herself, what a world I live in,

Where I can’t walk the streets without a weapon,

Afraid of the crazy ones about to pounce (on)

And just make sure to wait for the lights to turn on.

She can’t walk alone in the night without the light,

The light from the moon or a shining white knight.

Don’t walk all alone they say, for the crazy ones are out there,

and they truly are a match against your prayer.

So please, she begs, don’t come near me

For I will run and sting like a bee.

Even though she knows that she won’t linger,

They’ve got her wrapped around their pinky finger.

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