Car-Free Friday

By Ana Sofia Reyna, Y13

Last week’s article brought some hope into our community by letting us all know that Eco-friendly changes are possible. Although ideas might seem unrealistic at times, LGB has been able to take on tasks, little by little, for the benefit of our environment. All of these changes are progressively reducing the negative impacts our community has on the world. 

With smaller initiatives such as Eco-staples and pizza box bins, the school began its journey towards better recycling and less waste. However, larger initiatives are also needed to make more substantial changes in other areas of our environmental impact. Thus, the Eco-Committee came up with a new project: Car-Free Friday.

What exactly is Car-Free Friday

It is a project created by members of our community, namely, Economics teacher Mr. Halden and Eco-Committee co-founder, Finnur Ricart Andrason. It is an initiative aiming to reduce the carbon footprint created by the LGB population. More specifically, Car-Free Friday aims to lower the CO₂ emissions released when driving to and from school every day. 

Car-Free Friday contributes to our fight against climate change, and at the same time addresses issues that are often neglected, such as health problems caused by air pollution. 

How is this project being carried out?

Expecting the community to avoid using their cars once per week might not sound like the most popular idea. Nonetheless, this project will try to highlight that the journey to school without your car is very accessible. Even if it is not the simplest option, we know it can do great things for our environment.  

We live in a country where we have the opportunity and the means to get almost anywhere without a car. Geneva is filled with different alternatives to cars, including bike lanes ensuring safety for bikers. Not only that, but the Transports Publics Genevois (TPG) provides us with numerous options (trams, trains, buses, and even boats!) Public transport might not sound very comfortable or pleasant, but it comes with many perks:

  • Less, or even, no traffic at all,
  • Shorter journey times (which one can make use of by reading, doing homework or sleeping),
  • Reductions of stress (from having to concentrate on driving),
  • Money-saved (none spent on fuel).
  • A healthier option that gets us involved in physical activity and reduces air pollution.

What will the future of Car-Free Friday look like?

Hopefully, the name of the project is catchy enough for people to start thinking about the project and begin to take part, says co-founder of Car-Free Friday in an interview with the LGB Express. The horizon for this proposal begins by spreading the word. We then hope to invite other international schools to join in! Ideally, Car-Free Friday will become a global movement that will demonstrate to the world that, although changing habits is not easy, multiple environmental benefits may arise because of this project. 

Starting with just one day of the week, sooner or later, an individual may realise that they can leave their car at home more days than they thought possible.

What can you do to help?

Our founders ask everyone to please take part in this initiative. They ask us to leave our cars at home on Friday and if that is not possible to start carpooling so that eventually we can start reducing CO₂ emissions. Spreading the word by speaking to your families and peers may create a larger impact than you might expect. Encourage them, so that we might begin to act and create the change we need to see.  

Follow @car_free_friday on Instagram for more follow-ups and other benefits that this project might bring to you and our community. 

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