Break a leg!

Laurin Rupp, Year 12

Over the past few weeks, you may have noticed the sudden influx of sport invalids returning from the metaphorical battlefield. In Year 12 alone, from one day to the next we’ve had three people on crutches due to injuries after playing handball, basketball and even skiing, resulting in two twisted ankles and a torn meniscus.

Winter is fast approaching, which means that open-air courts are often very slippery, so try running as fast as you can while doing quick turns, because we need more test subjec– I mean, be careful where you step since we don’t want you to get hurt.

Interestingly enough, when I asked some people on the football field if they thought what they were doing was dangerous, they all rolled their eyes (partially because they didn’t like me very much) and said “of course not.” Even the injured people said that they would return to playing sports as soon as their wounds heal, showing real commitment to their individual sports.

So the least you, dedicated reader, could do is to support them by coming to one of the tournaments at LGB. I mean let’s face it, if you’ve bothered to read this far into the article, I’m sure you can manage to come to a simple tournament at our campus to cheer for your friends who are getting injured every fortnight.

However, paying attention to slippery surfaces isn’t enough. I thoroughly recommend that you stretch before and after doing intense sport or simply climbing the stairs to Biology, to ensure the mobility and flexibility of your muscles and decreasing the likelihood of injuries. Now that the lecture is over you might be interested to know that a Volleyball tournament is taking place next weekend in Lausanne, and that there is a Basketball tournament at College du Leman this Monday. LGB has won all its senior Basketball games for the moment, however CDL is likely to be a tough opponent.

Have a safe week, and break a leg!

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