The Art Centre

By Aimilia Konialidis, Y10

The Centre des Arts (CDA) is a modern, state of the art construction built to promote the Arts such as music, theatre and visual arts at La Grande Boissière. Its popularity has only grown. Many students now enjoy the wonderful events held at the CDA, including fascinating exhibitions, interesting guest speakers and creative performances. However, at times, some feel as though more events held at the Arts Centre could relate to our school. 

Although many enjoy the events held at the CDA, some are (naturally) found to be slightly less interesting than others. Students say they would be interested, if possible, in having more events hosted by other students. A poll held showed that 88% of students wanted the Arts Centre to focus on more school events, in addition to the current riveting events. As interesting as certain guest speakers are, the Arts Centre was built to be enjoyed and used by students. However, this is sometimes difficult to organise, given the CDA’s busy schedule.

Some hope that speakers with whom students find it harder to connect could be substituted with other events. There are certainly many ideas; one student said, “I’ve been trying to plan a photography exhibition at the CDA showing photos from a humanitarian trip to raise money for charity.” Unfortunately, high costs prevented this from happening. 

Overall, although public events such as guest speakers and exhibitions from outside artists are a huge opportunity and privilege, it would be wonderful if, in the future, a way for the Arts Centre to focus a bit more on presenting the work of students and staff could be found.

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