IA (Silver): Hour by Hour

By Montague Jacobs


Woke up at 6:50. No school. Saw Sam Diaz, I feel like I’ve been blessed by a good luck charm. 


On the train to gare.

8:45: boarding the actual train to Jura. Went by the fastest city in the world (Nyyyyon).

9:40: I’ve eaten all of my food for the duration of the trip. 

Just kidding I still have 2 avocados. 

10:30: expedition has started, and I have concluded that not all yellow snow is lemon flavored. 

11:29: we have put on the snow shoes. I can feel the outdoorsman blood rushing through me. 

12:54: not all tree bark is edible. 

13:45: Eugenio Campanelli is starting to look like pasta. 

14:30: why are all of my thoughts surrounded by food?

14:50: how do we define food

14:51: that is my universal learning question 

16:19: what are gloves other than the extra skin for our hands

16:21: nothing. We are nothing without the exterior hand to protect us from de cold.

18:30: for dinner we take dry things and add water to make them moist and ingestible.

21:00: 15 boys to 10 beds? Easy dub. 

22:45: sleep is not so sweet right about now. It’s more of a necessity. 


2:18: sweat.

6:52: Miko’s alarm has been going off for a solid 5 minutes. 

7:15: I have lost my pot. No, I don’t know how. 

7:50: oatmeal is not the same with cold water.

11:18: I have acquired new British slang-

Cream crackered (origin mackered) =broken

Apples and pears 


Butchers hook (or just hook)


[used in a sentence where someone needs to take a “butchers hook”]


=someone of low intellect


=the person in charge 

12:34: blisters- lovely little pockets of pain

13:15: sharing my peanut butter with the boyss

14:45: seriously questioning why I decided to bring a whole loaf of bread 

16:00: now questioning why I decided to bring an entire cucumber 

19:08: currently having a competition to see who can brush their teeth the longest. Contestants: max, Alia, Guilia, Victor, Montague, and later Sebastian. The stakes are too unspeakable for these pages. 

19:17: having a dance party in the bathroom 

20:00: everyone has gone outside to star gaze, it is absolutely amazing 

22:00: arguing has ensued about whether or not to open the window in the room

22:08: by minimal violence, the open-window side has won 


12:30: Alia Maftei continuously attempted to throw her empty cup o noodles onto the trail, but us eco committee people would not let her. 

(Go Finnur)

2:30: seeing a train has never been so exciting 

14:57: “no one is going to read your ‘hour by hour’” (Eugenio) 

15:06: currently at Burger King. Yos. 

In all seriousness, the (pre) IA Silver trip was entirely worth it. It was quite rough at the start, but by the second day just about everyone was vibing to the beat of the mountains. As humans, we need these reminders. We need these resets back to our inner expeditioner. It is so easy to get lost in a daily routine, and forget that we have the opportunity to be able to go outside and breath clean air and look into a night sky void of the city lights. At your next chance, whether for IA, a quick hike or a long trek, take that opportunity to go. 

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