Opinion Poll: Halloween Events – A Sweet Success or a Menacing Mess?

Eleanor Braddock, Y12

As yet another month has flown past, bringing with it autumn leaves, and Halloween, the school community has had a new opportunity to celebrate the festivity in our own way. We have seen some truly great events in the past week, ranging from the opportunity to dance in the cafeteria to spooky music, to a fun gamble at the trick or treat bake sale. These Halloween themed events have been all unique and for the most part successful.

In this weeks poll we decided to see which Halloween activity would be crowned the best by the student body. The official question asked was: “Which Halloween event did you most enjoy?” The students were then allowed to choose between

  • Trick or Treat
  • Halloween Bash
  • Costume Contest
  • Halloween Music in the Cafeteria

The results showed that the trick or treat bake sale, a modern spin on the old classic organized by LGB Fights Cystic Fibrosis was the most popular gaining 43% of the votes. The second most popular event with a similar amount of votes was the other fundraiser, the Halloween Bash, put together by the Graduation Committee of 2016, a night full of goose bumps and fancy dress. And finally the two Student Council events are joint 3rd and 4th, one entailing the chance to win a prize for the best Halloween costume and the other was student selected Halloween music in the cafeteria at Thursday break.

But overall what a eventful Halloween especially for Geneva! We can only hope that next years events are just as good! What do you think, should LGB Fights CF branch out and convert the GB into a haunted house? Should the next Graduation Committee also have a Halloween Bash? Let us know what you think in the comments.

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