How to Shop Sustainably in Geneva

By Melissa Fuhrer, Y12

When you think about shopping and sustainability, you might think getting your groceries and being eco-friendly is impossible. However, this is a misconception. Certainly, it can be difficult, if you don’t know where to look. But thanks to this guide, you can easily find sustainable options to essential products that you might use everyday, including cosmetics, groceries and jewelry!

  • Le Jardin de Denise is an online cosmetics shop with natural products. The cosmetics are Swiss-made and the packages are recyclable (glass, aluminium, textiles) or non-existent (shampoo bars). The prices vary, from 5 to 20 CHF. The brand doesn’t have a shop, but you can either buy the products online or go to select locations in different cantons, including Geneva. The link to the website is
  • Forêt Bleue is also an online cosmetics shop. Their products are hand-made in Switzerland, natural, and not tested on animals. Just like Le Jardin de Denise, their packaging is recyclable or non-existent. Their products are very accessible; in addition to having an online shop, you can find Forêt Bleue’s cosmetics in more than eight locations just in Geneva. The link to their website is
  • Savonnerie de la Cité is an artisan soap factory, that sells soap, shampoo, and conditioner bars (meaning they are package-free), as well as vegetable sponges called Loofahs. They also sell certain bath accessories, like towels, at some of their selling points. To get more information, check out their website
  • La Corde à Linge is an online brand selling laundry detergents. Their products are made without dyes or conservatives, and are biodegradable. More than 90% of the ingredients are from Geneva, and 100% plant and mineral based. They sell their products at more than 10 locations in the canton of Geneva, but you can also shop online. The website is
  • L’arcade is an organic and local grocery shop. The owners support local, fairtrade,  and organic agriculture. They are open from Monday to Sunday. Their website is
  • Le Nid is also an organic and local grocery shop. They products are pesticide free, and (try to the best of their ability to be) package free. So when you go there, don’t forget to bring mason jars and reusable bags! If you wish to know more, just click on the link
  • Le Bocal Local is an association that creates events to raise awareness about sustainability. They also have a grocery shop near Gare Cornavin. And if this time you forgot to bring your mason jars, that’s alright, because those are also sold at Le Bocal Local. You can find more information on the website,
  • L’épicerie du Marché sells items that come from local and organic farms. The market is situated in Vieux Carouge, and is open from Tuesday to Saturday. The website is
  • Le Marché de Vie is an organic market situated in the heart of the Eaux-Vives, that sells products that are respectful to human health and the earth. Their products are mostly seasonal and local and they also sell organic beer and wine! Their website is
  • Chez Mamie is a package-free, organic, fair-trade, and local market, with over 10 locations in Switzerland, including one in Geneva. If you forgot your reusable bag, it’s ok, because they also sell glass jars and bottles, as well as cotton bags. Their website is
  • Au Petits Oignons is a farmers market selling organic, fresh, seasonal, and local foods. You can buy their products online, and get them delivered to you, or you can go to the market, which is approximately 12km from downtown Geneva. Members of the Eco-Committee have had very good experience with the delivery. The quality of their fruits and vegetables is, moreover, very evident in the taste. Their website is
  • Mi Food, Mi Raisin is a grocery shop and a wine cellar. Their wine is local and organic. They sell other products such as cheese, charcuterie, and jams. The shop is open from Monday through to Friday until 11pm, so you can have a late night snack! Their website is
  • ELI-O is an online shop selling jewelry for every occasion, including weddings and proposals. Every piece is conceived and made in the atelier. The supplies are local, so as to minimize the environmental footprint (and to support local businesses), and the materials used are recycled 18k gold and Sterling Silver 925. Prices range from 100 to 1’000 CHF. You can even customize your own pieces! The link to their website is
  • Avinas is an online shop selling jewellery. The products are designed in Switzerland and made in Ardèche, France. The brand works with providers that take into account durable production, by reusing precious metals and ensuring that the origin of their supplies are local and sustainable. They also have a wide price range (60 – 1’300 CHF). In addition to having an online shop, you can find Avinas jewelry in Globus and Bongénie in Geneva. The link to their website is

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