
By Madeleine Gabriele, Y 9

We all lie in darkness at night waiting for sleep to wash over us. For some, it comes in an instant. But for others, it may never do so.

We all wait for someone to love us, even if it isn’t our family. For some, love comes quickly, but for others, it takes longer.

We all wait for the day to be over so we can relax and calm down. For some, the day’s quick and they have their calm time, but for others, it drags on and they dread going home.

For some, none of the things listed are true. For others, they are, and they push them to become who they are. They push them to become the heroes they were meant to be.

There are the people who are happy with whatever they get. It doesn’t matter if they are the hero or the sidekick of a story, or simply a random person walking down the street. These people accept and are grateful for whatever is put in front of them. They realize that no matter what good or bad happens in their story, they have friends and family that love them.

And that’s what really matters.

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