Emma Zemlickova and Fatim Fadiga, Year 11

Last Thursday at 17h00, the Centre des Arts opened its’ doors to the anticipating public to reveal the Mamco x LGB Vernissage. The exhibition showcased outstanding artwork created by LGB’s Y13 Visual Arts students, and it can definitely be said that the event did not disappoint.


The exhibition spanned over the three floors of the building, and every artist stood in front of their work, happy to answer any questions that the viewer might have. Influenced by contemporary art, the projects presented ranged in size and format. Whether it was a digital image or painting, they were all very impressive to look at and it was interesting to see how many of them conveyed very thoughtful messages and ideas in such creative ways.

One artist, Lily McNally, had her (rather large) project set up in the Black Room. “It represents growth,” she informed us as we took its entirety in. “More specifically it shows where I’m at now, and how I am. The shadow behind the painting and the darkness represent the future and how uncertain it is: we do not know what is going to happen and therefore it’s dark, unclear.


Many other themes were explored, such as the one in Layth Hert’s portrait, “Freedom of Expression”. His work relayed the idea that some people overthink too much, and feel that they can’t fully express themselves for fear of being judged. Another student, Mathieu Mouthon, created a very eye-catching piece that was set up in the hallway. “The image, for me, represents death, but the flowers and how bright they are show that even in the darkest of times happiness is never lost and can always be found.”


If you missed out on the chance to go on Thursday, the exposition will be in place until next Friday, October 16th. Make sure to stop by if you don’t already go to the Centre des Arts for any of your classes; the other projects presented, among those mentioned in this article, are definitely not to be missed!


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